Sl No |
Services provided by the Department |
Direct Link |
1 |
Fresh Learners Licence Application |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >>License>> Learner License>>Application for New Learner License 1. Select "Applicant does not hold Driving/ Learner Licence"
| |
2 |
Learner Licence to Addition of Class to Driving Licence |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >>License>> Learner License>>Application for New Learner License 1. Select "Applicant holds Driving Licence"
| |
3 |
Slot Booking for Learners Test |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >>License>> Appointments>>Slot Booking LL Test 1. Select "Sarathi Service" and fill the details ย | |
4 |
Learner Licence Test |>>citizen corner>>License>>Learner Licence>>online LL Test(STALL)'Screen Test Aid for Learner Licence Test' module will appear. Give the following details ย | |
5 |
Down Loading of Leraners Licence |>>citizen corner>>License>>Learner Licence>>print Learner Licence(Form3) Give the following Details. ย | |
6 |
Slot Booking for Driving Test |>>citizen corner>>License>>apponiments>>slotbooking>>DL Test Slot Booking Give the following details ย |
7 |
Renewal of Driving Licence |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >>License>> Driving License>>Services on DL 1. Enter the License number and date of birth ย | |
8 |
Issue of Duplicate Driving Licence |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >>License>> Driving License>>Services on DL 1. Enter the License number and date of birth ย | |
9 |
Change of Address in Driving Licence |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >>License>> Driving License>>Services on DL 1. Enter the License number and date of birth ย | |
10 |
Issuance of Driving Licence Particulars |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >>License>> Driving License>>Services on DL 1. Enter the License number and date of birth ย | |
11 |
Renewal of Conductor Licence |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >>License>> Conductor License>>Services on Conductor License 1. Enter the Conductor License number and date of birth ย | |
12 |
Issue of Duplicate Conductor Licence |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >>License>> Conductor License>>Services on Conductor License 1. Enter the Conductor License number and date of birth ย | |
13 |
SMS service to Licence related services |
When an application is submitted to the office , SMS will be sent to the mobile of the applicant with application number.The current status will be sent to the mobile number of the applcant as SMS after the appliction is approved. The applicant can check the status of the application through>> citizen corner>>application status ย |
14 |
International Driving Permit |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >>License>> Driving License>>Services on DL 1. Enter the License number and date of birth ย | |
15 |
Temporary Registration of new Vehicles that have factory built body and need to reserve number |
1. Through Dealer Login , dealer staff will make entry of owner details after fetching the details from the homologation portal, and marks the option as Fancy Number for those applications that need to reserve a number, there by generating an application number. ย | |
16 |
Temporary Registration of new Vehicles without factory built body |
1. Through Dealer login , Dealer Staff will make entry of owner details after fetching the vehicle details from homologation portal thereby generating an application number ย |
17 |
Registration of factory built vehicles |
1. Upon Successful transaction of New registration fees cess and Tax , inspecting officer will alott registration number. For registration of vehicles after obtaining temporary registration from other state , the vehicle needs to be produced before the inspecting officer. ย |
18 |
Allotment of ordinary registration number to newly registered vehicles |
1. Complete the purchase of the vehcile from an authorised dealer and request them to complete the dealer side application process and payment of fees and tax. ย | xhtml |
19 |
Reservation of a particular Registration number |
1.Visit >> Citizen Corner >>Fancy /choise number reservation ย | |
20 |
Fancy Number Auction |
1.Visit>> Citizen Corner >>Fancy /choise number reservation ย | |
21 |
Remittance of Auction Money |
1.Visit>> Citizen Corner >>Fancy /choise number reservation | |
22 |
Issuance of Registration Certificate Particulars |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >> vehicles >> Select State>> Select RTO |
23 |
Down Loading of Certificate of Fitness |>>citizen corner>>vehicles>>select state>>select office>>proceed>>download document>>print fitness certificate Give the following details ย | t.xhtml |
24 |
SMS Service to Vehicle Related Services |
When an application is submitted to the office , SMS will be sent to the registered mobile number of the applicant with application number.The applicant can check the status of the application through>> citizen corner>>application status ย |
25 |
Tax Payment for Non-Transport Vehicles |>>citizen corner>>online tax payment>>select state>>select office>>proceed>>pay your tax Give the following details ย | |
26 |
Green Tax payment |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >> Vehicles > > Select State as Kerala >> Select the office . Then Select Services>> Tax/Fee Services >> Pay Your Green Tax . Type the Registration number of the vehicle and last five digits/chars of Chassis number and click on 'Verify Details Button' to proceed and Submit. Click on the payment button to complete the Green tax payment . A receipt will be generated on successful completion of the transaction. ย | |
27 |
Issue of temporary Permits to Vehicles |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >> Vehicles > > Select State as Kerala >> Select the office. >> Select Other Services >> Apply for Permit. Type the Registration number of the vehicle and click on Proceed. Type the last five digit/char of the Chassis number. Generate OTP to the registered mobile number by clicking on the button. Enter the OTP. A new page with various services of Permit will appear. Select Temperory permit service and proceed for application submission. Then proceed for online payment. ย | |
28 |
Issue of Special Permits to Contract Carriages |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >> Vehicles > > Select State as Kerala >> Select the office. >> Select Other Services >> Apply for Permit. Type the Registration number of the vehicle and click on Proceed. Type the last five digit/char of the Chassis number. Generate OTP to the registered mobile number by clicking on the button. Enter the OTP. A new page with various services of Permit will appear. Select Special permit service and proceed for application submission. Then proceed for online payment. ย | |
29 |
Issue of Permits to Contract Carriages |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >> Vehicles > > Select State as Kerala >> Select the office. >> Select Other Services >> Apply for Permit. Type the Registration number of the vehicle and click on Proceed. Type the last five digit/char of the Chassis number. Generate OTP to the registered mobile number by clicking on the button. Enter the OTP. A new page with various services of Permit will appear. Select Fresh permit service and proceed for application submission. Then proceed for online payment. ย | |
30 |
Issue of Permits to Goods Carriages |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >> Vehicles > > Select State as Kerala >> Select the office. >> Select Other Services >> Apply for Permit. Type the Registration number of the vehicle and click on Proceed. Type the last five digit/char of the Chassis number. Generate OTP to the registered mobile number by clicking on the button. Enter the OTP. A new page with various services of Permit will appear. Select Fresh permit service and proceed for application submission. Then proceed for online payment. ย | |
31 |
Issue of Permits for EIBs |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >> Vehicles > > Select State as Kerala >> Select the office. >> Select Other Services >> Apply for Permit. Type the Registration number of the vehicle and click on Proceed. Type the last five digit/char of the Chassis number. Generate OTP to the registered mobile number by clicking on the button. Enter the OTP. A new page with various services of Permit will appear. Select Fresh permit service and proceed for application submission. Then proceed for online payment. ย | |
32 |
Issue of Permits for PSVs |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >> Vehicles > > Select State as Kerala >> Select the office. >> Select Other Services >> Apply for Permit. Type the Registration number of the vehicle and click on Proceed. Type the last five digit/char of the Chassis number. Generate OTP to the registered mobile number by clicking on the button. Enter the OTP. A new page with various services of Permit will appear. Select Fresh permit service and proceed for application submission. Then proceed for online payment. ย | |
33 |
Duplicate Permit |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >> Vehicles > > Select State as Kerala >> Select the office. >> Select Other Services >> Apply for Permit. Type the Registration number of the vehicle and click on Proceed. Type the last five digit/char of the Chassis number. Generate OTP to the registered mobile number by clicking on the button. Enter the OTP. A new page with various services of Permit will appear. Select Duplicate permit service and proceed for application submission. Then proceed for online payment. ย | |
34 |
Issue of All India Tourist Permit |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >> Vehicles > > Select State as Kerala >> Select the office. >> Select Other Services >> Apply for Permit. Type the Registration number of the vehicle and click on Proceed. Type the last five digit/char of the Chassis number. Generate OTP to the registered mobile number by clicking on the button. Enter the OTP. A new page with various services of Permit will appear. Select required permit service for All India Tourist Permit (Fresh Permit or Renewal Of Permit ) and proceed for application submission. Select Application submission office STA Trivandrum. Then proceed for online payment. ย | |
35 |
Issue of Authorisation to All India Permit |
Visit >>Online Services >> AITP Authorisation > > Select Apply to AITP Authorisation/Permit >> Select State from drop down list as Other State Using Vahan>> Select Other Services >> Type the Registration number of the vehicle and Type the last five digit/char of the Chassis number and click Get Details. Details of Owner details and Vehicle Details Visiblle. Select required AITP mode . Proceed for Make payment. ย |
36 |
Issuance of National Permits to Goods Carriages |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >> Vehicles > > Select State as Kerala >> Select the office. >> Select Other Services >> Apply for Permit. Type the Registration number of the vehicle and click on Proceed. Type the last five digit/char of the Chassis number. Generate OTP to the registered mobile number by clicking on the button. Enter the OTP. A new page with various services of Permit will appear. Select required permit service and proceed for application submission. Then proceed for online payment. ย | |
37 |
Fresh Driving License |
1.Applicants those who had obtained Learners Licence shall reserve a driving licence test slot throgh Sarathi Software. ย |
38 |
Addition of Class to Driving Licence |
1.Applicants those who had obtained Learners Licence shall reserve a driving licence test slot throgh Sarathi Software. ย |
39 |
Authorization to Drive Transport Vehicle |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >>License>> Learner License>>Application for New Learner License 1. Select "Applicant holds Driving Licence" ย | |
40 |
Grant of Driving Licence to Driving Vehicles Carrying Hazardous Goods |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >>License>> Driving License>>Services on DL 1. Enter the License number and date of birth ย | |
41 |
Issue of Conductor Licence |
After passing test, Conductor License is issued and send to applicant by post |
42 |
Grant of Driving School Licence |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >>License>> Driving School License>>New Driving School License 1. Fill Applicant Details ย | |
43 |
Alteration of vehicles |
44 |
Issue of Fitness Certificates to vehicles |>>citizen corner>>vehicles>>select state and office>>proceed>>apply for fitness renewalGive Registration number and last 5 digits of chassis number >>verify details>>payment ย | .xhtml |
45 |
Giving Permission to Advertisement on Transport Vehicles |
1.Vehicle Need to be inspected to ascertain the fee to be paid. ย |
Fully Online module for submission of application and epayment is under discussion |
46 |
Licence to Pollution Testing Centers |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >> PUCC > > Register New/Old PUC Centre >> Fill Details >> Click Register>> Payment>> Upload Documents ย |
47 |
Trade Certificate to Vehicle Dealers |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >> Vehicles > > Select State as Kerala >> Select the office. >> Select Other Services >> Select Trade Certificate>> Select Click to Apply. 1.For Fresh Trade Certificate Select New Applicant and then select Apply for Trade Certificate >> Enter Mobile Number and Mail Id >> Enter received OTP >> Application submission window appear Fill and complete>>After successful submission and payment recipt generated >> Select DMS upload Document and upload required Documents . ย | |
48 |
Transfer of Ownership of Vehicle of heirs after death of vehicle owner |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >> Vehicles > > Select State as Kerala >> Select the office . Then Select Services>> RC Related Services >> Apply for Transfer of ownership .. (or click on the second Icon) . Type the Registration number of the vehicle and last five digits/chars of Chassis number and click on 'Verify Details Button' to proceed. If any challans are pending the system will prompt to clear the dues. If the mobile number is not registered the system will prompt to register the mobile number. If both are clear the system will prompt to click on the Generate OTP Button. On entering the OTP the application submission page will appear. Enter the details of new Owner. Enter the mobile number of new Owner and generate OTP. Select the office to which application is to be submitted. Then proceed for payment. Then upload the address proof new owner. Original RC and self attested copy of address proof to be sent to concerned RToffice/Sub RTOffice throgh registered post or submit directly. Personal Hearing of all the members included in the leagal heirship certifcate is required for finalysing the application. ย | |
49 |
Renewal of Registration of Vehicle |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >> Vehicles > > Select State as Kerala >> Select the office Then Select Services>> RC Related Services >>Renewal of Registration . Type the Registration number of the vehicle and last five digits/chars of Chassis number and click on 'Verify Details Button' to proceed. If any challans are pending the system will prompt to clear the dues. If the mobile number is not registered the system will prompt to register the mobile number. If both are clear the system will prompt to click on the Generate OTP Button. On entering the OTP the application submission page will appear. Enter the details. Then proceed for payment. Vehicle has to be produced for Inspection after taking an appointment through the appointment module of Vahan. ย | |
50 |
Change of Address in Registration Certificate |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >> Vehicles > > Select State as Kerala >> Select the office to which vehicle new Jurisdiction. Then Select Services>> RC Related Services >> ..., Change of Address .. (or click on the second Icon) . Type the Registration number of the vehicle and last five digits/chars of Chassis number and click on 'Verify Details Button' to proceed. If any challans are pending the system will prompt to clear the dues. If the mobile number is not registered the system will prompt to register the mobile number. If both are clear the system will prompt to click on the Generate OTP Button. On entering the OTP the application submission page will appear. Enter the details of new address. Then proceed for payment. Then upload the address proof. Original RC and self attested copy of address proof to be sent to concerned RToffice/Sub RTOffice throgh registered post or submit directly. ย | |
51 |
Transfer of Ownership of Vehicle |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >> Vehicles > > Select State as Kerala >> Select the office to which vehicle new Jurisdiction. Then Select Services>> RC Related Services >> Apply for Transfer of ownership .. (or click on the second Icon) . Type the Registration number of the vehicle and last five digits/chars of Chassis number and click on 'Verify Details Button' to proceed. If any challans are pending the system will prompt to clear the dues. If the mobile number is not registered the system will prompt to register the mobile number. If both are clear the system will prompt to click on the Generate OTP Button. On entering the OTP the application submission page will appear. Enter the details of new Owner. Enter the mobile number of new Owner and generate OTP. Select the office to which application is to be submitted. Then proceed for payment. Then upload the address proof new owner. Original RC and self attested copy of address proof to be sent to concerned RToffice/Sub RTOffice throgh registered post or submit directly. ย | |
52 |
Issue of No Objection Certificate |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >> Vehicles > > Select State as Kerala >> Select the office to which vehicle new Jurisdiction. Then Select Services>> RC Related Services >> Application for No Objection Certificate . Type the Registration number of the vehicle and last five digits/chars of Chassis number and click on 'Verify Details Button' to proceed. If any challans are pending the system will prompt to clear the dues. If the mobile number is not registered the system will prompt to register the mobile number. If both are clear the system will prompt to click on the Generate OTP Button. On entering the OTP the application submission page will appear. Enter the reason for applying for NOC and Enter the details of new address. Then proceed for payment. Then upload the address proof. Original RC and self attested copy of address proof to be sent to concerned RToffice/Sub RTOffice throgh registered post or submit directly. ย | |
53 |
Issue of Duplicate Registration Certificate |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >> Vehicles > > Select State as Kerala >> Select the office . Then Select Services>> RC Related Services >> Apply for ..... DuplicateRC (or click on the second Icon) . Type the Registration number of the vehicle and last five digits/chars of Chassis number and click on 'Verify Details Button' to proceed. If any challans are pending the system will prompt to clear the dues. If the mobile number is not registered the system will prompt to register the mobile number. If both are clear the system will prompt to click on the Generate OTP Button. On entering the OTP the application submission page will appear. Enter the reason for duplicate RC. Then enter the details of FIR. Then proceed for payment. Then upload the address proof. Affidavit on stamp paper worth Rs 200/-, Notary attested, Police Clearance, News Paper Classified copy etc are to be produced at the time of personal hearing on taking an appointment ย | |
54 |
Cancellation of Hypothecation |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >> Vehicles > > Select State as Kerala >> Select the office. Then Select Services>> RC Related Services >> ..., Hypothecation Termination .. (or click on the second Icon) . Type the Registration number of the vehicle and last five digits/chars of Chassis number and click on 'Verify Details Button' to proceed. If any challans are pending the system will prompt to clear the dues. If the mobile number is not registered the system will prompt to register the mobile number. If both are clear the system will prompt to click on the Generate OTP Button. On entering the OTP the application submission page will appear. Enter the date of termination of HPA. Then proceed for payment. Then upload the Form 35 signed by the financier and NOC from the financier. Original RC, NOC, Form 35 to be sent to concerned RToffice/Sub RTOffice throgh registered post or submit directly. ย | |
55 |
Endorsement of Hypothecation |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >> Vehicles > > Select State as Kerala >> Select the office. Then Select Services>> RC Related Services >> ..., Hypothecation Termination .. (or click on the second Icon) . Type the Registration number of the vehicle and last five digits/chars of Chassis number and click on 'Verify Details Button' to proceed. If any challans are pending the system will prompt to clear the dues. If the mobile number is not registered the system will prompt to register the mobile number. If both are clear the system will prompt to click on the Generate OTP Button. On entering the OTP the application submission page will appear. Enter the date of termination of HPA. Then proceed for payment. Then upload the Form 34 signed by the financier. Original RC, and Form 34 to be sent to concerned RToffice/Sub RTOffice throgh registered post or submit directly. ย | |
56 |
Renewal of Permits (Except Stage carriage Permit) |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >> Vehicles > > Select State as Kerala >> Select the office. >> Select Other Services >> Apply for Permit. Type the Registration number of the vehicle and click on Proceed. Type the last five digit/char of the Chassis number. Generate OTP to the registered mobile number by clicking on the button. Enter the OTP. A new page with various services of Permit will appear. Seect Renewal of permit and proceed for application submission. Then proceed for online payment. Upload the NOC from the financier, if the vehicle has a finance agreement. ย | |
57 |
Variation of Permit (Except Stage Carriage) |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >> Vehicles > > Select State as Kerala >> Select the office. >> Select Other Services >> Apply for Permit. Type the Registration number of the vehicle and click on Proceed. Type the last five digit/char of the Chassis number. Generate OTP to the registered mobile number by clicking on the button. Enter the OTP. A new page with various services of Permit will appear. Select Variation of permit and proceed for application submission. Then proceed for online payment. Upload the NOC from the financier, if the vehicle has a finance agreement. ย | |
58 |
Tax exemption Requests |
Tax Exemption Requests are to be submitted in Form G ย |
59 |
ReAssignment of Registration mark (RMA ) for vehicles Migrated from other states. |
Vehicle Registered in other states which are brought to Kerala need to Re-Assign new registration mark (RMA ). ย |
60 |
De-Duplication of Driving Licence |
After data Porting , some licences which are ported from multiple offices need to de-duplicate for getting any service ย |
61 |
Driving Licence Application Status |
1. Visit >> Citizen Corner >> Application Status >> Licence ย | |
62 |
Vehicle Related application Status |
1. Visit >> Citizen Corner >> Application Status >> Vahan Application Status / Know your Number ย | xhtml |
63 |
Video Tour on Application Status | ย |
64 |
Camera Fine Payment |
Visit >> Citizen Corner >> Fine Remittance ย |