
SI Circular No. Date Title Download
291 25/2013 Checking of vehicles carrying dangerous and hazardous goods.
292 24/2013 Enforcement of office discipline - Payment of pay and allowances of the employees of sub offices.
293 23/2013 Enforcement of office discipline - Payment of pay and allowances of the employees - instructions issued.
294 22/2013 Inspection of new transport vehicles for issuing certificate of fitness.
295 21/2013 Fixation of fair value for disposal of unservicable/ confiscated vehicles.
296 20/2013 Pancard needed for registering vehicles costing above Rs. 5 Lakhs.
297 19/2013 Biometric Attendance System - instructions issued.
298 18/2013 Posting of officials at Check Posts - further instructions.
299 17/2013 Posting of officials at Check Posts.
300 16/2013 Instructions for smooth functioning of offices.
No Government Orders.
SI Notification No. Date Issuing Department Title Download
291 G.O. (P) No. 59/2010/Tran Transport (B) Kerala Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Rules, 2010 - Amendment in rule 164 of Kerala Motor Vehicles Rules 1989 - Enhancement of fee for temporary permit and special permit of stage carriages.
292 5048/Leg.A2/2010/Law Law (Legislation-A) Finance Bill 2010 - Extract of Motor Vehicles Department
293 G.O. (P) No. 42/2010/Tran Transport (B) Tax arrears - One Time Settlement scheme.
294 G.O. (P) No. 18/2010/Tran Transport (B) Rate of hire for autorickshaws and motor cabs.
295 G.O. (P) No. 15/2010/Tran Transport (B) Fare rate for stage carriages.
296 G.O. (P) No. 14/2010/Tran Transport (B) Compounding fee for traffic offences.
297 G.O. (P) No. 29/2009/Tran Transport (B) Rate of hire charges for autorickshaws and motor cabs.
298 G.O. (Rt) No. 46/2008/Tran Transport (B) Rate of hire charges for autorickshaws and motor cabs.
299 G.O. (P) No. 1/87/PW&T Public Works & Transport (M) Extension of fare concession to the handicapped in stage carriages other than those owned by the KSRTC.
300 G.O. (P) No. 1/87/PW&T Public Works & Transport (M) Extension of fare concession to the handicapped in stage carriages other than those owned by the KSRTC